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How To Wean Your Baby Onto Solid Foods - Simple & Easy Steps To Follow

I made breakfast after their first feed. We come downstairs as a family. Do a bit of porridge or a bit of fruit, and then I did a lunch as well. And then week three, I did still two meals a day. 

Find out what are the best food processors for baby foods?

So still just the breakfast and lunch. And naturally I did something sweet for my baby in breakfast, and something more savory or vegetable for lunch. - 

No, no, no, no, no! - Week four onwards, I did three meals a day. A little breakfast after their first feed. The lunch as usual. 

And then I did a tea at about 4:30 or 5:00-ish. In that feed as time goes on, I would like add more baby rice, or more porridge, or avocado is excellent because it's got good fat in it. So I try and, you don't want to stuff them full so that they don't have any milk, 'cause milk is still a priority, but it does help them sleep a little bit. Tip four. So portion sizes. 

This I find really confusing. And no book will say what portion sizes to do, because it's really down to you, and down to your baby, and it's so personal. But as a guide, I personally in the early days, did about two tablespoons of food. So I do two tablespoons of carrot. 

Use the bowl for that, and then see. If they took it all, that's fine. I didn't do any more. I just did two tablespoons while their digestive system's sort of getting going that way. If they don't want all the whole two tablespoons, that's fine as long as they try it, as long as you're getting something into them, and they're getting used to the process. 

That's the main thing at this stage, so don't worry about portion control. Tip number four, be positive. Baby will pick up on the way that you are, and how you're feeling. 

They know you, they'll pick up on. If you're feeding them like this, he's not gonna like it, he's not gonna like it, he's not gonna like it, he's not gonna like, and I personally don't like parsnip, and so whenever I make it for the boys, and I try and feed it to them, I'm a bit like ooh, it's gross, it's gross, it's gross, and I think maybe they pick up on that as well. So just be really happy, smiley, singing. This is wonderful bonding time. 

It's really, really fun. Food is great. Be positive, and pick up on what your baby is acting like. If it's a really clinical situation, and you stick them in this cold high chair for the first time, you stick a bib around their neck, and then you put a spoon to their face, and it's all a bit much, then you can try different things. 

Especially for breastfed babies, meals have always been this lovely time with mommy, and being on mommy's lap, so they may want to be fed while you're holding them, or they may want to be in a familiar bouncy chair to start with. 

Tip number five is, what equipment do you need? I was amazed that in the books how much equipment they say that you should have, and all the whizzers, and processors, and things that they suggest. Really don't need all of it. All you really need is a pot to boil vegetables in, and a steamer, which holds more nutrients. 

So if you wanna steam your vegetables, that's brilliant. Processor or a, a bit of a blender. Old Braun like (imitates blending) smoothie thing. And you will need bibs. 

I like the bibs that have soft on the front against their skin, but then plastic on the back, so it doesn't go through to their clothes. And obviously high chair, or a bouncy seat, or a car seat, or something like that in the early days. Weaning bowls, plastic bowls, and weaning spoons. 

These are the weaning spoons that I use. A bit stained from all the vegetables. But yeah, so they're plastic. Don't use metal, because it can be sharp on their little gums. So just buy yourself some weaning spoons. Ziploc bags, and ice cube trays. 

And that is so that when you make a big batch of mango, and you whiz it up, you can put it in the ice cube trays, and put it in Ziploc bags. That is all the equipment that you will need. Number six is offer drinks. So even though your baby probably won't take any of it to begin with, have a beaker with two handles on it, so that they can try. 

And offer them cool, boiled water as a drink, especially in the summer. - Ah. - No squash, they don't need the squash. There's loads of time for that when they're older. 

But yeah, cooled boiled water, or their normal milk. Tip number seven, allergies, salt content, and sugar content are things to just look out for. High allergy foods (child sneezes) are egg, (child sneezes) kiwi, peanuts, tree nuts. 

Can't have protein foods or egg until they're six-months old. And when they can have egg, it has to be very well-cooked. One year, they can have cow's milk, bit of honey, and pate, and soft cheese, but they can't have any of that before one year. 

Seven months, you should aim to have your baby having three meals a day with a protein meal at lunch, so some meat, some egg, some lentils, something like that. And that will really help them sleep well at night, but also they'll need the protein. And they also run out of iron at six months. Learn More


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